How to Improve Self-Esteem: 10 Proven Strategies

Let me let you in on a little secret: we all wrestle with that nagging voice inside that says we're not enough. It's that negative self-talk, the inner critic feeding on our insecurities, chipping away at our sense of self-worth. But here's the good news: you don't have to listen to it. In fact, you can turn down the volume and start building a strong sense of self-esteem that propels you forward.

Self-esteem is an important building block for a fulfilling life. It's the level of self-esteem that influences how we navigate new challenges, handle difficult situations, and maintain healthy relationships. If you've been grappling with low self-esteem or a lack of self-confidence, know that you're not alone—and there are powerful ways to tackle these issues head-on.

Let's dive into some practical, real-world strategies to improve your self-esteem. Think of this as a roadmap—a guide to help you navigate the twists and turns of self-doubt and come out the other side with higher self-esteem and newfound confidence in both your personal and professional life.

Cartoon of man standing in front of mirror with caricature on shoulder yelling representing an inner critic.

1. Recognize Your Inner Critic and Give It a Name

First things first: let's identify that pesky voice inside your head.

  • Action Step: Next time you catch yourself engaging in negative self-talk, pause. Acknowledge the thought and consider giving your inner critic a silly name—something that reminds you not to take it too seriously.

  • Tip: By personifying your inner critic, you create distance between yourself and those harsh words. It becomes easier to challenge negative beliefs when they're coming from "Grumpy Greg" or "Doubtful Daisy" instead of yourself.

This is a powerful way to start shifting your mindset and laying the groundwork for positive self-esteem.

Woman putting post it notes on mirror representing positive affirmations.

2. Embrace the Power of Positive Affirmations

Words matter. The ones we tell ourselves matter most.

  • Action Step: Write down a few positive affirmations that resonate with you. Maybe it's "I'm a good person doing my best," or "I have inherent worth just as I am."

  • Tip: Stick these affirmations on your mirror, your fridge, or set them as reminders on your phone. Let them become the soundtrack of your daily life.

Affirmations can improve your sense of self-worth and are a great way to combat the approval of others becoming your primary validation.

A person climbs a minimalist staircase representing setting realistic goals.

3. Set Realistic and Achievable Goals

Small victories lead to big changes.

  • Action Step: Break down your goals into the smallest possible steps. Want to run a marathon? Start with a small goal like jogging for five minutes.

  • Tip: Celebrate these little things. Each one is a stepping stone toward higher self-esteem and high self-confidence.

Setting realistic goals helps you avoid the trap of unrealistic expectations, which can lead to a lower self-esteem when unmet.

Man jumping over hole chasing balloons representing stepping out of comfort zones.

4. Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

Growth happens when we try new things.

  • Action Step: Do something that scares you just a little. It could be as simple as striking up a conversation with a stranger or trying a new hobby.

  • Tip: Each time you conquer a fear, you chip away at the lack of self-confidence holding you back. Plus, you might discover good things about yourself along the way.

Embracing new challenges not only builds confidence but also enriches your personal life with new experiences and connections with different people.

Image of 2 people looking at social media and upset and represents not comparing yourself to others.

5. Ditch the Comparison Game

Comparison is the thief of joy.

  • Action Step: Limit your time on social media, especially if you find yourself making social comparisons about your body image or professional achievements.

  • Tip: Remember, people usually share the highlight reel of their lives—the good news, the best things—not the hard times or struggles with low self-esteem.

Your worth isn't determined by external sources or the approval of others. Focusing on your journey helps maintain a healthy level of self-esteem.

6. Keep a Gratitude Journal

Shift your focus to the positive impact in your life.

  • Action Step: Each day, jot down three things you're grateful for. They can be big or small—a good friend, a delicious meal, a moment of laughter.

  • Tip: Over time, this practice can reshape your core beliefs and help you develop a more positive outlook on your daily life.

  • Bonus: Check out this post for free gratitude journal worksheets.

Recognizing the good things around you reinforces positive self-esteem and can be a powerful way to combat negative self-talk.

Diverse group of friends representing surrounding yourself with positive people.

7. Surround Yourself with Positive People

Your tribe affects your vibe.

  • Action Step: Spend time with confident people who lift you up, who see the best in you, and who encourage you to be your authentic self.

  • Tip: It's okay to step back from relationships that drain you. Your mental health is important, and a supportive environment is key to building self-esteem.

Healthy relationships act as support systems, providing encouragement during difficult situations and enhancing your sense of self-worth.

Cartoon of a woman working out showing how important it is to take care of your body.

8. Take Care of Your Body

Your physical health and mental well-being are intertwined.

  • Action Step: Incorporate physical activity into your routine. Go for a walk, dance in your living room, or try yoga.

  • Tip: Pay attention to your body language. Stand tall, make eye contact, and smile. Sometimes acting confident can actually make you feel more confident.

Getting enough sleep and taking good care of your body are essential for maintaining a high self-esteem and overall mental health.

Image of man receiving life coaching in a modern office.

9. Seek Help When You Need It

True strength lies in recognizing when it’s time to ask for support—whether through therapy, coaching, or other professional guidance.

  • Action Step: If you're struggling with challenges like anxiety, stress, or uncertainty about your life's direction, reaching out to a life coach or mental health professional can make all the difference. They can help you navigate these obstacles and build strategies for growth.

  • Tip: Life coaching and therapy aren't just for moments of crisis. Tools like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and life coaching techniques offer powerful paths to self-discovery and growth, helping you gain clarity, strengthen your sense of identity, and boost self-esteem.

Don’t hesitate to use the resources available to you. Asking for help is a step towards strength, growth, and personal transformation.

Image of a person jumping for joy next to a list of their wins representing the importance of celebrating them.

10. Celebrate Your Wins, No Matter How Small

Every step forward is progress.

  • Action Step: At the end of each week, reflect on what you've accomplished. Maybe you handled a difficult situation well or took the first step toward a big goal.

  • Tip: Acknowledge your efforts. Give yourself a pat on the back. You're doing the work, and that's something to be proud of.

Recognizing your achievements boosts your level of self-esteem and provides motivation for the better times ahead.

Bonus Round: More Ways to Nurture Your Self-Esteem

Because you deserve all the good feelings.

Understand Your Core Values and Personality Traits

Knowing what matters to you helps build a strong foundation.

  • Action Step: Make a list of your core values—honesty, creativity, kindness—and reflect on how they align with your personality traits.

  • Tip: Align your actions with these values. Living authentically boosts your self-esteem and gives you a sense of purpose.

This alignment is an important building block in developing a strong sense of self-worth.

Practice Self-Compassion

Treat yourself like you'd treat your best friend.

  • Action Step: When you make a mistake, catch yourself before harsh words set in. Would you talk to your friend that way?

  • Tip: Replace self-criticism with encouragement. You're only human, after all.

Self-compassion is a powerful way to improve your relationship with yourself and can have a positive impact on your entire life.

Engage in Activities That Bring You Joy

Do more of what makes you happy.

  • Action Step: Identify activities that light you up and make time for them.

  • Tip: Joy is contagious. The more you fill your life with positive experiences, the more your self-esteem will flourish.

Trying new challenges and hobbies can also introduce you to new friends and social events, enhancing your social life.

Give Back

Helping others can give you a sense of purpose and improve your feelings of self-worth.

  • Action Step: Volunteer for a good cause you care about. Even small acts of kindness can make a big impact.

  • Tip: Contributing to something bigger than yourself is a great way to feel connected and valued.

This not only benefits others but also reinforces your positive self-esteem and sense of inherent worth.

Image of man on ripples representing the effect of self esteem when boosted.

The Ripple Effect of Self-Esteem

Let's talk about how boosting your self-esteem can create positive waves in other areas of your life.

Relationships Get Better

When you feel good about yourself, it shows.

  • Tip: Confidence is attractive. It draws people in and fosters healthier, more authentic connections. You may find yourself building better relationships with friends, family, and even in your professional life.

Career Flourishes

Self-assured people are more likely to take risks and seize opportunities.

  • Tip: Believe in your abilities. Go for that promotion, pitch your idea, or start that project you've been dreaming about.

A high self-esteem can open doors in your professional life that you might not have considered before.

Mental Health Improves

A healthy self-esteem can be a protective factor against mental health challenges.

  • Tip: Continue practicing self-care and seeking support when needed. Your mental well-being is just as important as your physical health.

Addressing signs of low self-esteem early can prevent more serious mental health conditions down the line.

Signs You're on the Right Path

How do you know your self-esteem is improving? Here are some signs:

  • You trust yourself more.

  • You're kinder to yourself after mistakes.

  • You feel comfortable saying "no" when you need to.

  • You spend less time worrying about what others think.

  • You try new things without fearing failure.

These signs indicate a positive impact on your sense of self-worth and that you're moving toward a more confident, fulfilled life.

Planting Seeds in the Next Generation

If you have kids in your life, you have a chance to help them build a strong sense of self-esteem from the start.

  • Action Step: Encourage their efforts, not just their achievements.

  • Tip: Teach them that it's okay to fail—that's how we learn and grow. This helps them develop realistic goals and a healthy level of self-esteem.

By fostering a supportive environment, you're giving them an important building block for their entire life.

Wrapping It Up

Building self-esteem isn't a one-time project; it's a lifelong journey influenced by different factors. There will be ups and downs, twists and turns, but every step you take is a move toward a more confident, authentic you.

Remember, you're not alone on this path. We all have our battles with self-doubt and negative self-talk. The important thing is to keep going, keep growing, and keep showing up for yourself.

So here's to you—the beautifully imperfect, wonderfully unique person reading this. May you embrace the journey with open arms and an open heart, nurturing not just your self-esteem but also your child's self-esteem if you're a parent. After all, fostering a healthy self-image is a gift that keeps on giving, impacting not just you but those around you.

*Hey, if this post resonated with you, pass it on. Let's spread the word and help others turn down the volume on their inner critics. Together, we can create a world where everyone feels valued and confident. Good luck on your journey to higher self-esteem!​

Additional Resources to Improve Self Esteem

Here are three highly recommended books from Amazon to help improve self-esteem and personal growth:

  1. Daring Greatly by Brené Brown: This book encourages readers to embrace vulnerability as a source of strength. Brown’s research shows how opening up to vulnerability can lead to stronger connections and greater resilience in both personal and professional settings.

  2. Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers: A classic self-help book, it provides actionable advice on how to overcome fear and self-limiting beliefs, allowing you to face challenges head-on and grow in confidence.

  3. You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero: A motivational and humorous guide that helps readers unlock their inner power and banish self-doubt, providing tools to boost confidence and pursue life’s goals with determination.

These books offer different perspectives and practical strategies for anyone looking to enhance their self-esteem and live a more empowered life.

Watch the Video

Rebuild Your Self-Esteem and Thrive with Josh Dolin: Life Coaching for Lasting Transformation

Transform Negative Thoughts into Positive Action

We all grapple with negative thoughts and feelings of low self-esteem at times. These negative things can hold us back from achieving our full potential and enjoying a good feeling about ourselves. Josh Dolin’s life coaching provides the best way to overcome poor self-esteem and a lack of confidence. By focusing on positive things and taking small steps, Josh helps you turn those negative thoughts into opportunities for growth, enhancing your sense of self-worth.

Boost Your Confidence, One Small Thing at a Time

Building good self-esteem doesn't happen overnight—it’s about making small, intentional changes that lead to great things. Josh’s approach emphasizes tackling one little thing at a time, ensuring you don't feel overwhelmed. Whether you're aiming to improve your physical appearance, strengthen personal relationships, or advance in your professional life, Josh helps you create a to-do list of achievable goals. Each small victory contributes to a better time and a more positive outlook.

Overcome Challenges and Embrace Positive Change

Life is filled with difficult situations and social events that can trigger feelings of low self-esteem or a lack of confidence. Josh's coaching equips you with tools to navigate these challenges effectively. By addressing underlying issues such as mental health disorders or negative thought patterns, he guides you toward healthier coping mechanisms. This not only improves your self-esteem but also contributes to better relationships and overall well-being.

Build Healthy Relationships and Strong Support Systems

Having strong support systems is crucial for maintaining good self-esteem. Josh emphasizes the importance of surrounding yourself with best friends and positive influences who uplift you. Through his coaching, you'll learn how to cultivate healthy relationships and eliminate negative influences, leading to better connections and an enhanced sense of self-worth.

Focus on What Truly Matters

In a world full of external pressures and comparisons, it's easy to lose sight of what's important. Josh helps you focus on the positive things and the small things that bring joy and satisfaction. By redirecting your attention away from negative thoughts and social comparisons, you'll develop a more positive self-image and a stronger sense of inherent worth.

Take the First Step Toward Lasting Change

The journey to rebuild your self-esteem starts with a single step. Josh's coaching provides the guidance and support you need to make meaningful changes in your life. Whether you're dealing with poor self-esteem, a lack of confidence, or simply want to feel better about yourself, Josh offers personalized strategies to help you thrive.

Start Your Transformation Today

Don't let low self-esteem or negative thoughts hold you back any longer. With Josh Dolin's life coaching, you can overcome obstacles, build good self-esteem, and embrace a life filled with positive experiences. Reach out today to book your free 15-minute consultation and take the first step toward a more confident, fulfilling life.

Achieve More with Professional Guidance

Success is rarely achieved alone. Josh emphasizes the importance of collaboration and support. Having a trusted coach ensures that you have someone to keep you accountable, help you manage stress, and celebrate your wins—no matter how big or small. His coaching is designed to help you recognize and address challenges head-on, providing strategies for overcoming external factors and internal hurdles like self-doubt.

Invest in Your Well-Being

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. By working with Josh, you're taking a proactive step toward improving your overall well-being. His coaching can complement support from health services or other professionals, offering a holistic approach to personal growth.

Create the Life You Want

Living a fulfilling life means focusing on what matters most to you. Josh helps you identify the most important things in your life and set future goals that align with your values. His strategies ensure your goals are both achievable and motivating, whether you're focusing on personal development, career advancement, or building stronger relationships.

Embrace Positive Change Today

The importance of addressing low self-esteem and negative thoughts can't be overstated—it's the only way to live life intentionally and create meaningful change. With Josh Dolin’s coaching, you’ll develop a clear vision of what you want and actionable strategies to achieve it. Start building the life you truly want—step by step.

Ready to transform your life? Contact Josh Dolin today and embark on a journey toward better self-esteem, confidence, and happiness.


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